Quality and failure analysis


Industrial component inspection using 3D X-ray inspection or light-optical 3D methods

With modern 3D X-ray methods such as micro X-ray Computer Tomography (micro-XCT) or High-Resolution Computer Laminography (HRCL), Fraunhofer IKTS can detect defects, visualize internal structures in electronic components and obtain further information from material composition objects. These X-ray methods are therefore ideally suited to carry out pore and  material enclosure analyses, void analyses, dimensional accuracy analyses and hidden damage inspection. Three-dimensional images for non-destructive material diagnostics are calculated from the raw data obtained by radiographing the components, which in turn can be used to generate any number of cross-sectional images. The 3D X-ray images of printed circuit boards, batteries, aluminum die-cast parts, ceramic components, CFRP components or art and cultural objects can be used to display material defects such as inclusions, cracks or pores in high resolution.



Industrial micro X-ray Computer Tomography (micro-XCT)



High-Resolution Computed Laminography (HRCL) for electronic components



3D profilometry and digital microscopy for analyzing electronic microsystems



Optical deformation field measurements


nanoeva®: Competence center for testing assembly and connection technology in electronics



Further methods of error analysis