Testing can be performed alongside development in nearly all areas of quality assurance according to national and international standards or customer-specific programs. Detailed environmental, material, and safety tests are performed in a fully equipped testing laboratory by well-versed staff with extensive experience in test planning, execution, and evaluation. Other activities include jig/fixture construction and regular calibration of the measuring and test equipment.
Fraunhofer IKTS can perform a wide range of standard and non-standard, customer-specific tests in a laboratory that has been audited and accredited by VDE, TÜV Nord, and DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH).
The technical infrastructure at Fraunhofer IKTS encompasses a laboratory equipped for conducting electrical, environmental, material, and safety tests, a laboratory for mechanical testing, and a calibration laboratory. Safety and reliability tests are performed on products and materials using standardized test systems and processes. The related test marks (e.g., TÜV “Type Approved” mark) can be issued based on the results of these tests. The testing laboratory has been certified as a CBTL (certified testing laboratory) by the IEC in cooperation with the national certification body VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH.
The Quality Assurance Laboratory has received flexible-scope accreditation from the DAkkS for certain electrical test procedures. The latest quality standards (ISO 9001, ISO 10012, etc.) prescribe regular and preventive monitoring and calibration of the test equipment used. The calibration laboratory offers DIN EN IEC 17025-compliant factory calibration by competent staff. To supplement DAkkS accreditation of the testing laboratory, accreditation of the calibration laboratory is being sought.
Accredited electrical testing of materials
Non-accredited testing of materials
Safety and environmental testing
Safety and life testing