At Fraunhofer IKTS, the development of test equipment is closely accompanied by a usability engineering process. This ensures that at the end of the development process our test systems meet the customer's needs, are adapted to the customer-specific application, and can be operated intuitively. To achieve this end, we use visual models via virtual reality at an early stage of development. We test the user-centered design concepts developed for this purpose for both usability and utility through various prototype stages. Using augmented reality data glasses (mixed reality), interaction and operation methods can be demonstrated even before the physical production of the test device and, if necessary, problem areas can be identified and solved in advance.
But even after the test equipment has been put into operation, usage concepts for augmented reality data glasses developed by Fraunhofer IKTS offer recognizable added value in the context of Industry 4.0. The focus here is on cooperation between man and machine. With the help of a digital twin, operating instructions can be displayed directly, enabling ambidextrous work or virtual training scenarios. In addition to operating instructions, work-relevant data and information such as control cycles or inspection instructions for maintenance work can be displayed. For this purpose, we implement interfaces that are adapted to the work steps and powers of the operators.