Fraunhofer IKTS on tour – successful presentation in Singapore and Korea
Eight IKTS scientists travelled through Asia with the aim of raising the Institute's profile and initiating projects with local industrial companies and research institutions. In addition to visiting local SMEs and agreeing on industrial cooperation projects, the institute organized workshops in cooperation with local academic and industrial network partners. Activities focused on topics such as process monitoring, condition monitoring, material diagnostics, additive manufacturing, nanotechnology, bio-sensors, implants and implant materials. The journey was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF).

The first event was a workshop at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore on March 11, 2019. About 20 participants discussed contributions of Fraunhofer IKTS and the host university on the topic "Monitoring and sensorics for environmental and biomedical technology".
The next highlight was a joint conference of Fraunhofer IKTS and Yonsei University entitled "Joint Workshop on biomedical and environmental technology" in Seoul on March 13, 2019, which attracted more than 70 participants.
On March 15, 2019, the IKTS scientists visited the "35th Korean International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show (KIMES)" in Seoul. During the trade fair, WMIT (Wonju Medical Industrie Technovalley) and Fraunhofer IKTS organized the forum "Material characterization for medical applications & technologies", with 50 participants which marked the end of an eventful and successful journey.
Dr. Jörg Opitz, department head at Fraunhofer IKTS and initiator of the trip, summarizes the results: "The opportunity for eight IKTS scientists, supported by the BMBF's 'Travelling-Conference-Initiative', to communicate directly with Asian companies and excellent academic partners on site is extremely helpful for the establishment of new projects and serves the further development of excellence here in Germany. Singapore and Korea are excellent partners for cooperation in the fields of personalized medicine, digitization and process monitoring".