EU-Project ASTRABAT: A new battery boosts e-mobility in Europe
For the growing market of electric mobility, Europe must develop its own innovative battery concepts and production chains in order to increase its international competitiveness. This is the goal with which ASTRABAT is now launching. In this major European project, 14 partners from eight European countries are joining forces.
The project focuses on the development of a reliable solid-state battery with lithium-ion technology. In contrast to established systems with liquid electrolytes, solid state batteries are considered to be particularly safe because they are non-flammable. In addition, they should enable larger storage capacities and faster charging processes in the future. During the four-year project period, a new cell architecture will be developed which achieves a high range, is safe and can be mass produced in Europe. A part of the project is also concerned with a sustainable value chain for the new battery: an ecological design is just as important in this context as an environmentally friendly recycling strategy at the end of the battery life cycle.
Ceramics for pioneering cell concepts
Several groups at Fraunhofer IKTS are involved in the EU project ASTRABAT. Functional materials for the solid-state electrolyte are synthesized at the institute. In addition, IKTS researchers are developing an ink and corresponding printing processes with which innovative 3D-structured cell concepts can be realized, followed by characterization and testing.
The total funding for ASTRABAT amounts to eight million euros and is part of comprehensive efforts by the European Union to reduce greenhouse gases by 80 to 95 % by 2050.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement Nr. 875029.