The "Applied Materials Mechanics and Solid-State Transducers" working group deals with electrical and electromechanical characterization methods at the material, component and assembly level. In particular, there is extensive experience and expertise in the implementation of application-related special characterizations and measurement technology developments. The group also focuses on the development and implementation of actuator and/or sensor piezoelectric systems, including ultrasonic systems. Developments in the aforementioned areas are supported by simulations. There is extensive expertise in multiphysical simulations including sound field calculations, the simulation of the non-linear material behavior of ferroelectrics and sintering processes. Furthermore, the development of transducer systems can draw on a wide range of options for the experimental characterization of transducers and ultrasonic fields.
Range services
- Characterization methods
- Characterization of piezoelectric materials [➚]
- Characterization of pieoelectric transducers [➚]
- Measurement of the electrical resistance of dielectric materials [➚]
- Measurement of the dielectric strength of dielectric materials [➚]
- Impedance spectroscopy/determination of permittivity and loss angle [➚]
- Vibration analysis using laser vibrometry [➚]
- Large signal characterization and poling of ferroelectrics [➚]
- Acoustic characterization [➚]
- Service life tests under electrical stress [➚]
- Customized measurement setups [➚]
- Piezoelectric systems
- IPUCLEAN - Ultrasound for root canal treatment [➚]
- Modeling and simulation