
Here you will find all downloads of our website sorted by research areas. The "IKTS in Profile" tab contains cross-spanning publications.

IKTS in Profile

About us

Fraunhofer IKTS as a research and technology service provider: Our profile flyer gives an overview about our competencies.

Business divisions

Fraunhofer IKTS works in nine market-oriented business divisions in which it demonstrates and qualifies ceramic technologies and components as well as non-destructive test methods for new industries, product concepts and markets beyond the conventional areas of application.

Industrial solutions

In the area of ”Industrial solutions“, Fraunhofer IKTS offers products and services, which have already been successfully approved by numerous customers from industry.

Annual reports

Our annual reports provide an insight into economic success, strategic focus and current research results.



Publications and patents of the Fraunhofer IKTS

The following link leads to the "Fraunhofer-Publica" database. This database contains publications and patents of the research activties at Fraunhofer IKTS.

Electronically available documents can be directly downloaded from the database as full text.

Fraunhofer-Publica (