Whether in environmental, energy or process engineering - who monitors critical parameters on key plant components and processes, detects weak spots at an early stage and can thus reduce downtimes, increase employee safety, and reduce operating costs in the long term. Fraunhofer IKTS develops monitoring systems based on various methods of condition-oriented maintenance.
Research is focused on optical, acoustic, and electromagnetic methods for early detection, indication, and evaluation of risks in highly loaded or inaccessible components. We transfer the latest research results from sensor technology, signal processing, electronics and process integration into practice and combine them into an effective monitoring concept. Competent IT and automation partners guarantee smooth integration into new and existing plants.
In addition to innovative condition monitoring systems, we offer a wide range of services in the context of non-destructive testing (NDT). For the testing of metal, non-metal, ceramic and composite materials, we rely on both standardized and non-standardized NDT methods. In the fields of ultrasonic testing, eddy current testing, acoustic emission testing and visual inspection, our NDT test lab has been granted accreditation by the German Accreditation Body (DAkkS) (Accredited NDT Lab). This allows us to modify or develop new procedures and to use them at the client's site like standardized procedures. Of course, we also continuously develop other non-destructive test methods, such as Barkhausen noise, thermography, micromagnetic or penetration testing.