Extensive sintering and analysis know-how in this research field is concentrated at both the Hermsdorf and the Dresden location. With diverse characterization methods, thermodynamic and kinetic modelling, and extensive furnace equipment from the laboratory to the pilot scale as a basis, targeted development of materials, components, and processes is possible.
Existing methods range from particle and suspension characterization and ceramographic sample preparation using conventional and ion beam-based techniques to quantitative phase and microstructural analysis. In addition, a wide range of thermoanalytical and thermophysical characterization techniques and methods for tribological, mechanical, and electrical characterization are available. Mastery of these sophisticated analytical methods is coupled to detailed process know-how as well as materials and scientific knowledge, enabling well founded interpretation of results.
We also test electrical devices and equipment in accordance with national and international standards as well as customer-specific requirements and possess a wide range of possibilities for environmental simulation and calibration of measurement systems.
Development projects and individual contracts for characterization of powder metallurgical and ceramic feed stocks and materials as well as for heat treatment of materials and components: