Energy storage in Thuringia: Press trip stops at Fraunhofer IKTS
Almost 30 participants from media, business and science accepted the invitation of the Thüringer Erneuerbare Energien Netzwerk e.V. (Thuringia Renewable Energy Network - ThEEN) and the Bundesverband Energiespeicher (German Energy Storage Association - BVES) and informed themselves about current storage technologies, Thuringia's strengths in research and ongoing economic initiatives during a one-day press trip through Thuringia.

In addition to stops at TEAG in Großrettbach and at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, the participants were given an insight into the production of ceramic energy storage systems at the Fraunhofer IKTS site in Hermsdorf. During a guided tour Prof. Michael Stelter, deputy director of the institute, explained which steps are important in the production of sodium batteries and how the latest research results are incorporated into the development of complete battery systems. At the subsequent press talk, it was discussed, among other things, how the dismantling of political and regulatory obstacles can further strengthen the innovative strength of the storage industry.