In the field of Thermophysics, thermophysical properties and parameters of materials are identified.
- Thermomechanic analysis [TMA]/thermodilatometry [TD]/heating microscopy [HM]/optical thermodilatometry
- Differential scanning calorimetry [DSC]
- Laser-flash-analysis [LFA]
- Buoyancy or immersion method for determination of density at room temperature
- Thermoelectrical conductometry
- High-temperature X-ray diffractometry
Thermophysical properties in dependence on temperature
- Thermal expansion coefficient, density
- Specific heat capacity
- Phase transitions (temperature, enthalpies), phase diagrams
- Thermal diffusivity
- Heat or thermal conductivity
- Specific electrical resistance or conductivity
- Wetting parameters
Services offered
- Identification of thermodynamical and thermophysical properties in a temperature range of -150 to 2000 °C
- Offering of thermophysical data sets for simulation
- Systematization of dependencies
Technical equipment of accredited laboratory
- Thermomechanical analyzer TMA402 [TMA] (Kanthal furnaces, temperature range from -170 to 900 °C, oxidizing or inert atmospheres, sample length up to 25 mm, sample diameter up to 8 mm)
- Thermodilatometer DIL402/NGB [TDIL-cDTA-EGA] (SiC furnace, temperature range from 25 to 1550 °C, all atmospheres, sample length up to 25 mm, sample diameter up to 7 mm)
- Thermodilatometer DIL402 E7/ NGB [TDIL-cDTA-EGA] (SiC and graphite furnace, temperature range from 25 up to 2000 °C, all atmospheres, sample length up to 25 mm, sample diameter up to 6 mm)
- Differential scanning calorimeters DSC 404 NGB [DSC] (platinum furnaces, temperature range from 25 to 1500 °C, oxidizing or inert atmospheres, sample diameter up to 5 mm, sample height smaller than 2 mm)
- Differential scanning calorimeter DSC 404C NGB [DSC] (platinum furnaces, temperature range from 25 to 1500 °C, oxidizing or inert atmospheres, sample diameter up to 5 mm, sample height smaller than 2 mm)
- Laser flash analyzer LFA 427 [LFA] (SiC furnace, temperature range from 25 up to 1500 °C, all atmospheres, sample diameter up to 12.7 mm, sample height between 0.1 and 4 mm)
- Light-flash-analyzer (Nano-Flash) LFA447 [LFA] (temperature range from 20 up to 300 °C, air, sample diameter up to 25.4 mm, sample height between 0.1 and 4 mm)
- Heat or thermal conductivity tester TCT416 (room temperature, air, sample geometry: 20 or 35 mm x 5 mm x 5 mm, 20 or 35 mm x 6 mm diameter)